Timber offcuts coasters

5 creative ideas for timber offcuts

Throughout nearly any building project you are going to accumulate a pile of timber offcuts destined for the skip bin. But what if you could repurpose those scrap pieces of timber into beautiful homely features. Here are some creative waste-reducing ideas for timber offcuts. 

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Bathroom renovation

How to Create a Renovation Budget

So, you’ve decided it’s time to renovate your house. Perhaps you are sprucing up the walls with a fresh lick of paint. Maybe you are going to completely re-do your bathroom. Or you might have just bought a fixer-upper with plans to overhaul the whole interior. However big or small your renovation is, you’ll need a watertight budget to guide the project to completion. 

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swimming pool renovation

Home improvements that don’t add value

Do it yourself home improvements can seriously bolster the asking price of your home. However, you should tread carefully when going down the renovation road and don’t get too excited undertaking major projects or renovations without know for sure that the money you outlay can be recovered in the sale of your house. We’ve listed a few big-ticket renovations that aren’t likely to increase the final sale price of your home. Read more

renovation to add value to your home

Home improvements that add value

If you are thinking about selling your house in the near future. You are probably also thinking about some low-cost ways to boost the value of the property. Luckily, there are a few simple DIY renovations you can complete yourself that will help push up the final sale price without undertaking a complete revamp of the kitchen or bathroom to add value to your home. Read more

rope tyre

Summer DIY hardware projects

With the onset of the festive season hopefully comes a little bit of downtime away from work. With Christmas and New Years Eve occurring during summer in Australia, there isn’t a better time to get outside and get creative with some DIY hardware projects. Whether it’s your first time at the hardware store or you are an old hand at the tools, we’ve compiled a list of summer projects that will not only spruce up the backyard but keep yourself and any children you have entertained. 

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