
Surviving being an owner-builder

Oh, the path to becoming an owner-builder is paved with good intentions indeed. A stimulating challenge you might mention to friends. A great way to exercise the brain you reassure worried parents. And ultimately, all in the name of saving money, right?  Read more

computer with website

5 Reasons Tradies Should Have Their Own Website

Tradies often rely on referrals to build their businesses. It makes sense, you do great work, your customers love you and send their friends. But sometimes referrals can be a slow way to keep getting business especially if you’re just starting and nobody knows you yet. That’s why finding new clients and leads is one of the biggest challenges of working as a tradesman. An important part of solving that challenge is to have your own website.  Read more

Common contractor mistakes_ building frame

Top 4 Common Contractor Mistakes

Forging a career as a contractor in the construction industry can be a difficult task. It comes with peaks and troughs and won’t always be smooth sailing. You’ll likely have to work through and negotiate some tricky situations. Below we’ve listed some common contractor mistakes, so you can hopefully avoid them.

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contract deal

How to win more contracts

One keyword. Relationships. Good, strong relationships are essential in the construction business. Nurturing and fostering relationships is fundamental to keeping current customers happy, whilst also increases your chance to win more contracts. In this sector, so much new business comes from word of mouth. A positive relationship further strengthens successful work. Thus making it more likely for that client to go on and recommend you as a contractor they trust.

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Builder marketing

Ways builders can use marketing

As a builder or small business owner, you would know that having a happy and satisfied customer is the top priority. You would also know that finding new clients and leads can be a big challenge. If you aren’t already, learning different ways builders can use marketing and implementing them can be a big help.

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