
The lifecycle of an LVL product

LVLs start their life just as any timber product does, as a tree in a vast timber forest. The unique manufacturing process used to create LVLs means that when a tree deemed worthy to be an LVL, it is in for a wild ride. Read more

Boost team spirits

How to boost team spirits during a pandemic

Fortunately, for many of us in the construction industry, we have been able to work throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. But that doesn’t mean a whole host of other things haven’t changed for us. As we all work our way through the next few months of easing restrictions, it’s still important that we check in with our teams to see how they are going. yes, we may still have our jobs, but so much else has changed. It’s time to give your team’s morale a health check and implement a few little tactics to maintain and boost team spirits. Here’s how. Read more

small building business builder working

Choose a small building business

Choosing a small local builder over larger building companies can come with some great positives that both you (the homeowner) and the house being built will benefit from. Here is a list of reasons to choose a small building business over a large one.

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Managing worksite morale in the cold

Worksite morale tips for winter

With the days getting shorter and colder as winter approaches, a days work can seem to be a bit of a drag. Before the winter blues hit your team try putting some of these ideas into action to manage worksite morale through the colder months. Read more

effective communication between builders and clients

Tips for effective communication between builders and clients

An important aspect of any building process is effective communication between builders and their clients. With so many different elements that occur during the building process, it is easy for things to get ‘lost in translation’. Problems that arise from this can be minuscule or disastrous and can usually be completely avoided. So before your next conversation have a think about the following tips for effective communication between builders and clients.    Read more