
Timber offcuts coasters

5 creative ideas for timber offcuts

Throughout nearly any building project you are going to accumulate a pile of timber offcuts destined for the skip bin. But what if you could repurpose those scrap pieces of timber into beautiful homely features. Here are some creative waste-reducing ideas for timber offcuts. 

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Man teaching child to stay safe around tools

5 tips to keep kids safe around tools

If you have a shed full of tools or work with your hands, there’s a high chance your child is extremely intrigued by what you do every day. Introducing your child to tools young means that they will continue to safely use them as they grow. Even learning basic elements of how to use tools requires a lot of safety lessons and preparation to keep kids safe around tools. Read on below for some ways to safely introduce tools to your child.

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Bathroom renovation

How to Create a Renovation Budget

So, you’ve decided it’s time to renovate your house. Perhaps you are sprucing up the walls with a fresh lick of paint. Maybe you are going to completely re-do your bathroom. Or you might have just bought a fixer-upper with plans to overhaul the whole interior. However big or small your renovation is, you’ll need a watertight budget to guide the project to completion. 

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Sustainable rooftop garden

7 sustainable construction trends

‘Sustainable’ is a buzz word in the construction industry. You can say the same for ‘green’, ‘environmental’ and ‘eco’. As we evolve and with extensive science to lead us, there is clearly no other path to take. Sustainability is the way of the future. 

Integrating sustainable practices into your business makes your service more desirable. Especially to a market who are hungry to know that you can create their projects with green practices, renewable resources and eco-friendly materials. 

Technology is continuously advancing. So to ensure you stay ahead of the pack we detailed a few of the most important trends you should be aware of.


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Builder marketing

Ways builders can use marketing

As a builder or small business owner, you would know that having a happy and satisfied customer is the top priority. You would also know that finding new clients and leads can be a big challenge. If you aren’t already, learning different ways builders can use marketing and implementing them can be a big help.

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Successful Project Management

It’s a well-known reality that construction projects often exceed deadlines, go over budget and get blown out of the original scope. However, it is not impossible to deliver a project on time, under budget and to the brief. Understanding successful management steps and tips can make your next project flow with ease and is ultimately better for your business. There a few key things to consider that are crucial to the success of your project:

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