Building materials of the future

Building materials of the future

The building industry is constantly seeing improvements in materials, some tools and even certain techniques. So there should be no surprise that the next range of futuristic improvements is pretty much here. Whilst we don’t have a spaceship to take us to Mars, we seem to have been able to come up with the materials we are going to use when we eventually do get there (Martian Concrete). Let’s take a look at some of the building materials of the future that we can use at home, here on earth. Read more

Thermo cladding

InStyle Timber Thermo Cladding

Timber cladding has always been a popular choice among homeowners, and it’s easy to see why – there is a huge variety to choose from, with each species and profile offering its own distinct, natural feel. The cladding of your home more often than not provides your first impression to visitors and guests, and as such the industry is constantly evolving to help consumers stay on trend. Read more


The lifecycle of an LVL product

LVLs start their life just as any timber product does, as a tree in a vast timber forest. The unique manufacturing process used to create LVLs means that when a tree deemed worthy to be an LVL, it is in for a wild ride. Read more

LVL texture

What makes LVL products so great

There is a new kid on the block and it is stronger, more durable and more versatile too. LVL (Laminated Veneer Lumber) is a wood-based product and it’s most common use is as structural timber. It is manufactured by peeling sheets of timber from a log. Then cutting them to any given size, pressing a number of sheets together to form a length of engineered timber. This process makes LVLs quite unique and gives them a number of advantages over standard timber products. Read more

Design brief

How To Create Your New Home Design Brief

So you’ve decided you are building a brand new home, how exciting! You’ve probably got a million ideas swirling around up in your head. We are here to help you take grasp of all that imagination and wrangle it into a design brief! Ideally, you’ll get to fulfil all your hopes and dreams, but sometimes not all ideas will work together, this is your time to fine-tune your vision and make sure you have a firm concept before you begin further planning. Here are a few key things to consider when creating your home’s design brief:  Read more

Knockdown or renovate

Knockdown or renovate, what’s right for you? 

If you’ve been living in your home for some years, naturally there are always a few things that pop up over time that you’d like to improve on or update. As the list grows longer, the question you begin to ask yourself is whether to renovate, look for a new house that already has everything on your wish list or to knock down and completely rebuild your home. Read more