
Managing worksite morale in the cold

Worksite morale tips for winter

With the days getting shorter and colder as winter approaches, a days work can seem to be a bit of a drag. Before the winter blues hit your team try putting some of these ideas into action to manage worksite morale through the colder months. Read more

Narrow house

8 Tricks for building on a narrow site

As populations of towns and cities expand, it has become quite common to be presented with the task of building or renovating a house on a narrow or uniquely shaped piece of land. Each site presents its own set of challenges, namely access to natural light, traffic flow and spacial constraints. But with each of these challenges comes an opportunity to create beautifully practical solutions. Here are some tips on how to tackle classic issues when building on a narrow site. Read more

effective communication between builders and clients

Tips for effective communication between builders and clients

An important aspect of any building process is effective communication between builders and their clients. With so many different elements that occur during the building process, it is easy for things to get ‘lost in translation’. Problems that arise from this can be minuscule or disastrous and can usually be completely avoided. So before your next conversation have a think about the following tips for effective communication between builders and clients.    Read more


Surviving being an owner-builder

Oh, the path to becoming an owner-builder is paved with good intentions indeed. A stimulating challenge you might mention to friends. A great way to exercise the brain you reassure worried parents. And ultimately, all in the name of saving money, right?  Read more

computer with website

5 Reasons Tradies Should Have Their Own Website

Tradies often rely on referrals to build their businesses. It makes sense, you do great work, your customers love you and send their friends. But sometimes referrals can be a slow way to keep getting business especially if you’re just starting and nobody knows you yet. That’s why finding new clients and leads is one of the biggest challenges of working as a tradesman. An important part of solving that challenge is to have your own website.  Read more