Timber floor

Caring For Your Timber Floor

It’s no secret, timber flooring is a popular choice for homeowners. Simply put, they look great and they wear well when you look after them. A timber floor that you lovingly care for will stand the test of time. So you’ve taken the leap and installed your dream floor from our selection of timber flooring, what now? We are here to tell you all the tips and tricks that’ll keep your timber floor in perfect nick for years to come.  Read more

Front door

Perfect Doors for Your Home

Doors, they are easy to overlook when contemplating the style of your home. But a well designed and thoughtfully chosen door can easily add that missing element and really elevate the style of your home or a particular room. Today we’ll walk you through some different styles for both inside and outside the home. After all, first impressions count right?

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small building business builder working

Choose a small building business

Choosing a small local builder over larger building companies can come with some great positives that both you (the homeowner) and the house being built will benefit from. Here is a list of reasons to choose a small building business over a large one.

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Managing worksite morale in the cold

Worksite morale tips for winter

With the days getting shorter and colder as winter approaches, a days work can seem to be a bit of a drag. Before the winter blues hit your team try putting some of these ideas into action to manage worksite morale through the colder months. Read more