Granny flat in backyard

Building a granny flat: What you need to know

The typical Australian family is going through a bit of a lifestyle shakeup. In the past, the average home consisted of a couple and their children, who would out in as they came of age. More recently, the Australian housing market has shot through the roof, making it near impossible for young adults to enter the market, thus forcing them to linger under their parent’s roofs well into adult life. As a response to this change, a trend has emerged. Enter the granny flat. 

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Common contractor mistakes_ building frame

Top 4 Common Contractor Mistakes

Forging a career as a contractor in the construction industry can be a difficult task. It comes with peaks and troughs and won’t always be smooth sailing. You’ll likely have to work through and negotiate some tricky situations. Below we’ve listed some common contractor mistakes, so you can hopefully avoid them.

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